What is the process?

1. FREE CONSULTATION. Call us for a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. We will have you gather information and bring it with you so we can review your situation, and we will go over all of your options.

2. GATHERING INFORMATION & PREPARING CASE. If you qualify, we begin to prepare your case. There are at least 50 pages of federal court documents to prepare, and we will do all of the work for you with the information you provide. The attorney will make sure that everything is correct, and that there are no legal issues that may cause problems. There may be additional appointments to “fill in the blanks.”

3. SIGNING. Once your case is reviewed, we will have you come in and sign the documents. We will go over every page with you before you sign.

4. FILING THE CASE. Once everything is signed, we will file your case. This will stop garnishments, foreclosures, credit calls and harassment, and you will be under Court protection while you are in your case.

5. MEETING OF CREDITORS. About one month after you file, you must attend the Meeting of Creditors. An attorney from our office will be there with you. This is a short hearing that gives the person administrating your case, the Trustee, the chance to verify your identity, social security number, ask you whether everything in your court paperwork is true, complete, and accurate. Creditors will have the chance to ask you questions, but in practice, they almost never show up.

6. FINAL DISCHARGE. In most cases, you can expect to receive a final discharge in about a month or two after you Meeting of Creditors. That’s it! You’re now debt free